Information Sheet
The purpose of EAC San Mateo is to advise the EDD of means by which to provide effective employment services that are responsive to the needs of our local communities. The Council is also an avenue by which managers keep abreast of current trends and practices in the areas of personnel, administration, and management.
Management Information
EAC San Mateo provides managers and others with ideas and information to profitably serve their organizations and themselves, and to strengthen their management competence and professional growth. At the chapter level, fellow members share knowledge and experience on a wide variety of issues.
Personal Contacts
Local EAC chapter meetings offer an opportunity to develop a broad base of personal contacts with other members concerned with similar issues. The result is an exchange of ideas of inestimable value.
Employers are invited to become members of EAC San Mateo. Benefits of membership include:
- Free access to the Management Hotline, a consultation service provided by an employment law attorney
- Reduced cost to attend all seminars
- Free and immediate assistance listing your job openings on the CalJOBS system (EDD)
- Free space and assistance with EDD for recruitment, interviewing, and placement efforts
- Opportunities to network with other business professionals
- Discount on all compliance posters, including the new USERRA poster required by the Veteran’s Benefits Improvement Act of 2004
- And many more
To learn more or apply for membership, click below for more information.